Vinery’s physical address is 684 Segenhoe Road, Scone NSW 2337.

Approaching from SOUTH (Sydney, Newcastle etc.) – Go through Aberdeen on the New England Highway and about 1km on the northern side of Aberdeen you’ll find the Segenhoe Road turnoff. Turn right onto Segenhoe Road and continue along for 7km. Turn right into the main driveway of Vinery Stud.

Approaching from NORTH (Tamworth etc.) – Exit New England Highway at Scone, from Kelly Street turn left onto Gundy Road. In 5.2km’s the road will fork, take the right hand road (Glenbawn Road). At the ‘STOP’ sign turn right onto Segenhoe Road and continue along for just over 2km’s until you reach the Vinery Stud gateway on your left.


The coordinates and elevation for Vinery are; S3206.41 E15056.10   600′